Statement of Intent for “Wildflower” Music Video In the music video for Billie Eilish's song "Wildflower," themes of transformation, self-discovery, and resiliency are explored. Motivated by the vivid imagery in the lyrics, the film attempts to tell a story that juxtaposes the untamed, erratic beauty of nature with the inner journey of a young woman negotiating feelings of vulnerability, loneliness, and ultimately empowerment. By contrasting periods of gloom with bursts of vivid, wild colour and light, the idea is to evoke the character's emotional development through visually rich and symbolic surroundings. The film begins in a small, dark room that serves as a metaphor for the protagonist's sense of imprisonment and internal conflict. The modest colour scheme here, which includes blue and grey tones, reflects her depressed and lonely mood. This mood is matched by Billie's quiet, almost whispery vocal tones in the song's opening, which create a solemn a...