
Coursework: Preliminary exercise feedback and LR

1) Type up your teacher's feedback   in full  plus a summary of the comments you received from other students in the class. Teachers feedback: WWW Camera movement - pans, zooms, range of shots and good pace Good lip syncing - good performance, actions/ scenes, matching lyrics Several locations Good non - linear editing  Framing = lighting Good concept Ebi  Need to upload music video research Lighting? More close ups Include a performance element (chorus) Student www : Good locations, they match the song zoom in mirror Good editing fast paced performative element Lip syncing Camera movement Good use of props Good concept Entertaining Good synergy with the music  Ebi Better lighting in the beginning Faster pace editing  Quality  Music video research More close ups 2) Using a combination of your own reflection on the preliminary exercise and the feedback you were given, write   three   WWW bullet points and   three   EBI bullet points for your work. WWW:  narrative  good use of props

'Preliminary exercise: Research and planning'

1) State the  song  you have chosen for your preliminary exercise. Last friday night by Katy perry 2) Write a short music video treatment for your extract (this is basically a script for your music video). You can  find an example of a treatment here . If you are making your real coursework then feel free to use the treatment from your summer project . Scene 1: Actor wakes up in her bed confused as there is a man she doesn’t know in the bed  Scene 2 : Transitions to her in a bath , realising she smells from the night before Scene 3 : Transitions to her in the garden finding the man drunkenly passed out in her garden Scene 4 : Shot  of her putting a barbecue in the oven mimicking the line “barbie’s on the barbecue” which suggests that she was getting up to mischief “last friday night” Scene 5 : She is now in front of the mirror in the room where she finds mysterious marks on her neck. She also finds that photos and videos were posted of her and the man from the night before. Scene 6 : A

Media awards review

My favourite production was " The lurking crow" by Leila. The non diegetic sound fit well with the storyline and created fear from the audience for the character. There were many zoom ins and closes ups, for example the close up on the character texting on her phone. This diverted the attention of the audience as well as the character of the person lurking outside the home and it created suspense. There was natural lighting used as they were walking outside. The "victims" were wearing casual clothing whilst the attacked was covered to hide his identity. My second favourite production was "The Intuition" by Sopiga. There was a good use of parallel sounds when her friend was missing there was a lot of tension and suspense for the audience ; the diegetic sound was used very well. There was a lot of natural lighting used.

Summer project: learning response

1) WWW: Good location-Barbican Mise en scene covered Lighting costume camerawork preferred reading Audience covered Genre covered Theories - Neale, gender EBI: Needs stronger introduction- first impressions No image on the first slide or for representations Pauses - too much reading from slides More detail Explain Why Meanings created  No full references on slides Representation, industry and digital convergence need to be covered Only two videos covered Only 300 words but well written Score 1,3,3,1,1,2=11 2) My own EBI is to ensure I am well prepared and have rehearsed my presentation beforehand so I am able to present it in a confident and smooth manner with no pauses. I also think my research should have more detail as well as more theorists. Finally I think that I definitely have to make sure that I complete the videos that were set as it would help with the presentation. My own WWW is that I covered the Mise en scene and I like the locations I had picked for the music video. 3) My

Summer project

1) Research: music videos You need to write a 150-word close-textual analysis of SIX music videos that will inform your production work. The music videos you analyse are up to you but focus on a different aspect of media language for each one. Music videos How is narrative used in the music video and what impact does this have on the audience? Can you apply any narrative theories to the story in the music video? Sabrina Carpenter - Taste Narrative is used in this music video as it follows the plot of the horror movie "Death becomes her" which is an endless battle over a man after a potion that promises eternal life. In this video both girls are attempting to kill each other to win the attention of the love interest. The scene automatically starts off with Sabrina carpenter holding a knife with the intention to kill the "other woman" Jenna Ortega: the video continues on with Sabrina Carpenter being impaled and restored just like the movie. However, the video takes a

YR 12 LR

1) Type up your feedback in full (you do not need to write mark/grade if you do not wish to).  Grade D 14/34 UCAS Grade C 2) Read  the mark scheme for this exam carefully , paying particular attention to the 'indicative content' for each question. Firstly, focus on the unseen question and identify two aspects of the poster that you could have written about in your answer. the visual codes and iconography of the image including colour and setting as it relates to the thriller/horror/supernatural etc genre (isolated setting, low key lighting, blue hue) the use of props to denote the narrative and genre elements 3) Look at the indicative content for Q1 again and make a note of any theories or examples of media terminology you could have used in your answer. the way events, issues, individuals and social groups (including social identity) are represented through processes of selection and combination the codes and conventions of media forms and products, including the processes thr

Radio index

Introduction to radio   Radio : BBC radio 1 newsbeat   Radio : war of the worlds Introduction to radio