1) Technical codes: The lighting in the image of 50 Cent is concentrated on his facial characteristics, darkening the sides of his face and his eyes, and bringing out the contours of his nose, forehead, and lips. Also, it is a close-up picture. Written or verbal codes: The author encourages us to live each day as if it were our last because nobody can guarantee that tomorrow will come. The writing is approximately 50 cents past. Symbolic or non-verbal codes: With his jewelry (necklace, earrings), cap, and tank top, 50 Cent is dressed in clothing that symbolizes his rapping and music business. Additionally, he has a serious expression to go with the written language. Additionally, the dark, ominous setting in which the photo was taken fits well with the language written. Enigma codes: The finger print sheet reveals a sinister aspect of 50 Cent's narrative and what he's attempting to make clear and communicate to us. ...
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