statement of intent 3

The print campaign I will create for this music magazine will be interesting and thematically rich, embodying the very essence of the Elina artistic persona. These details will be treated in a way that compliments her signature aesthetic but will provide language and media elements in such a way that they speak to her diverse fans. The music video attempts to tell a story that juxtaposes the untamed, erratic beauty of nature with the inner journey of a young woman negotiating feelings of vulnerability, loneliness, and empowerment, this will be also told through the print magazine.

Elina's aesthetics combine a flair for the uncanny with the ethereal, gliding from hard fashion through the deconstructive assaults of street fashion. Much like the intense interaction of high contrast against gentle ambient lighting, with bold, irreverent compositions in the magazine, this will be represented by dark surrealistic styling. 

The visuals will be rich in references to the music videos and album covers, from cool tones (blues, blacks, greens) with saturated highlights to emotionally deep and mysteriously hued environments.

Typography will become a major communicative force working to consolidate Elina's brand identity. Soft handwritten lettering, and squiggly lettering that evokes warmth and shapes a powerful emotional connection will allow the audience to capture her unconventional approach to music and art.

The campaign will incorporate various elements of media language to create meaning and evoke emotion. The staging will be very controlled, from clothing choice (roughly tight, a key part of Elina aesthetic). Clothing choice is significant as Elina represents all young women who feel the need to conform to society’s expectations atmospheric shadows and surreal environmental settings that encapsulate the themes of her songs.

The close-ups paired with medium shots will capture Elina's expressive facial features-to the audience's connection with her. Then, to foster a spine-tingling sense of uneasy resolve, the customary one-third rule will be broken through unconventional framing techniques. 

Post-production effects such as double exposure, glitch overlays, and grainy textures will also enhance the dreamy and supernatural feel of the visuals. This approach fits with Elina brand, which often subverts traditional pop imagery in favour of something more experimental and rawer. Rejecting conventionality in beauty was the way Elina built a career path for herself. This campaign celebrates authenticity with her flat-out portrayal: true to her with all flaws. The visuals will accentuate her true expressions, her real style. 

The campaign will speak not only for Elina but also to her audience: Gen Z fans interested in self-expression, mental health awareness, and nonconformity. The inclusive, non-binary campaign, interweaving themes of introspection and rebellion, further solidifies the idea that Elina is more than music: she is a cultural figure that empowers people to embrace their true selves.

Through its stunning visual creations and symbolic media language, Elina's physical portrait receives an authentic presentation through consideration in this print campaign.



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