1) Find at least five music magazine front covers (either current or former magazines as many have stopped their print editions) aimed at a similar target audience to your project (mainstream music audience) and research music magazine key conventions. For each one, pick out one design idea, convention or image/text style that you could use in your own print work
- close up
- bright colour scheme
- centred photo

2) Find at least five double-page spread features from music magazines on Google images. How are they designed? How are text and images displayed? What design tricks can you borrow from your examples?
The images take a significant amount of one side of the page, whether its is left aligned, right aligned, or centred.
The double page spread of Eminem has 3 main colours - red white and black. The background of the page is also black which fits well with Eminem skin tone.
3) Find at least five magazine contents pages - ideally from music magazines - from Google images. How are they designed? How are images used alongside text? How are page numbers displayed?
Images can be placed near sections or heading to create a clear division between content areas. Icons, symbols or thumbnails are often used to represent chapters or topics visually. Visual images such as numbers or colour coded pictures can make it easier for readers to find specific sections.
4) Find at least five music artist tour posters from Google images. How are they designed? How are images used alongside text? Which UK venues would suit your artist or band? Some examples:
The Lead mill
Barrow land Ballroom
02 Arena
5) Read at least three example music interview features from newspapers and magazines to learn the format, writing style and content for a music magazine interview. You may wish to use the following to help you:
Elvis The Man And His Music
The layout is designed to balance text and imagery effectively, this provides readers with a visually engaging and informative experience.
The magazine also includes detailed articles on various aspects of Elvis career
"There's something to scream about" : Bring Me the Horizon's pandemic political awakening
This interview is approximately 1,600 words. The interview is structured with a catchy title followed by an introductory paragraph that sets the scene. The main body consists of a narrative with direct quotes from group members, giving insight into their perspectives.
Tom vek tells us about his surprise album
It has a captivating headline that grabs the readers interest. There is a brief overview providing context about the artist and the significance of the interview. It also has a structured narrative with direct quotes, which offers insights into the artists thoughts and creative process.
Rapper SL: ‘When I was coming up, there was nobody else on my level’
It is approximately 500 words. The piece begins with an engaging headline and gives context about the SL's background and rise in the music industry.
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