Planning and Sketching

 Planning and sketching

1) Plan the content and cover lines for your front cover:
  • Title (must be NEW original mainstream music magazine you have invented):
  • Slogan:
  • Cover image: 
  • Main cover story/main flash: 
  • Additional cover lines:
  • Additional two smaller cover images: 
  • Font style / colour scheme, additional design aspects:

2) Plan the images you will use for the front cover - use the elements of mise-en-scene (CLAMPS). One main image and two smaller images required to meet the minimum content in the brief.

Plan the content for your inside page feature:
  • Subject of feature: 
  • Headline: 
  • Subheading: 
  • Main image: 
  • Smaller images (need minimum of four across the three pages) 
Font style / colour scheme, additional design aspects: 

4) Write the 400 word interview feature you will use for the inside page spread. This must be 100% original and written by you. It may help to use a Q&A approach to this interview.  

Interviewer : We appreciate you taking a seat with us! Your brand-new Wildflower music video was just released, and it looks amazing. What do you think of the response so far?

Elina Noir: I'm grateful! To be honest, I'm feeling incredibly overwhelmed. It means a lot to me to see people relate to this song, especially the visuals, because it's very personal to me.

Interviewer: There's something so ethereal and dreamy about Wildflower. What gave rise to the music video's concept?

Elina Noir : The song itself is about perseverance, growth, and discovering beauty in unexpected places, such as a wildflower that emerges from pavement cracks. I wanted the video to capture that journey in a way that was both aesthetically arresting and intensely emotional. 

Interviewer: The cinematography is breath taking! Where was it filmed? 

Elina Noir: Although we shot in a variety of locations, a significant portion was captured in the bedroom. This is because this is a general safe place for most people, which allows the audience to relate to the video. The bedroom captures moments of laughter, sadness and anger and I find that very beautiful.

Interviewer: The video contains a great deal of symbolism. Could you elaborate on a few of the visual components that have deeper significance?

Elina noir: Definitely. The pictures of past lovers and friends play a significant role as it showcases all the emotions that can not be put into words. I also think the lighter , that had created flames, allows the audience (just like the pictures) to communicate the intense emotion that was in the scene.

5) Plan and write the text for your contents page. This will need to include a range of features and interviews that are not related to your artist but that do fit your target audience and brief (mainstream music magazine). 

6) Research and select the font or typography you will use for your magazine. This is a critical element of your print work - the brief requires a consistent house style running through all of your pages. 

7) Produce an A4 sketch of your front cover design and scan it/upload a picture to your blog.

8) Produce A4 sketches of your inside page feature with clear layout of where headline, subheading, images and text will appear on the pages. Scan or upload a picture to your blog.

9) Produce an A4 sketch of your contents page design and scan it/upload a picture to your blog.

10) Finally, create the pages in Adobe Photoshop or InDesign so you have the documents ready to go in terms of adding your text and images. This will need to include:
  • A4 portrait for front cover
  • A4 portrait for contents page
  • A3 landscape for double page feature


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