film and tv language -editing task


1  - 20                       close up/ medium close up of character 1 and 2 talking with eachother.


21                                                   wide view of character 3 talking to character 1

22                                                    wide view of character 4 talking to character 1

23                                                   wide view of character 2 talking to character 1

24                                                   close up of character 1 talking to character 2

 (character 1 walks in and sits down at table) 

CHARACTER 2 :  Why don't I know you?

CHARACTER 1 :  I'm new I just came here from Africa.

CHARACTER 2 :  What?

I used to be home schooled 

CHARACTER 2 : Wait what?

CHARACTER 1 : My mum taught me at home.

CHARACTER 2 : No No I know what home school is I'm not retarded. So you've actually never been to a real school before?

(character 1 shrugs her shoulders)

CHARACTER 2 : Shut up, shut up!

CHARACTER 1 : I didn't say anything

CHARACTER 2 : Home school, that's really interesting.

CHARACTER 1 : Thanks.

CHARACTER 2 : But your like really pretty.

CHARACTER 1 : Thank You.

CHARACTER 2 : So you agree?


CHARACTER 2 : You think your really pretty.

CHARACTER 1 : Oh I don't know

CHARACTER 2 : OMG I love your bracelet where did you get it?

CHARACTER 1: Oh my mom made it for me. 

CHARACTER 2 : It's adorable.

CHARACTER 3 : So fetch.


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